Table Assemblages
The Table Assemblages are crafted to operate as functional and non-functional sculptures. They are created individually in celebration of millions of years of times’ passage as evident in the rugged and earthy patinas and the authentic post rock supports. A variety of materials are combined to complete the structures including cut glass, slate, river rock, and reclaimed wood, to fossil laden and hand-pitched limestone slabs. The assemblages further communicate as metaphors to the sturdy character and ingenuity of the Midwestern pioneers of the late 1800’s who quarried these posts to support their sod dwellings and to fence the treeless homesteads.

Design & Photography
After many years of work in commercial art, a move was made to create designs specifically for service organizations of personal interest. These recent bodies of work include logo and corporate image, photography, painting, sculpture, writing and editing, marketing and advertising, and all collateral material associated. A line of greeting cards exist that have supported a number of non-profit organizations including the Houston Tennis Association, the National Senior Women’s Tennis Association, National Junior Tennis League, Serve Up a Cure and related Breast Cancer Support /Awareness Foundations, and the SPCA and selected Animal Rescue Operations.